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The Phenomenon of False Confessions in the Criminal Justice System

 Posted on April 20, 2023 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerFalse confessions, or confessions to crimes that an individual did not commit, are well-known in the justice system. While it may seem strange or counterintuitive for someone to confess to a crime they themselves were not responsible for, there are several reasons people do so. For anyone charged with committing a crime, it is essential to retain the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney to ensure your rights are protected. It is vital to speak with law enforcement only if an attorney is present, as this may reduce the likelihood of getting stuck in a vulnerable position, which can lead to false confessions.

Reasons Why False Confessions Occur

The following are reasons why false confessions occur, including:

  • Coercion and duress – One of the most common reasons people confess to crimes they are not responsible for is coercion and compulsion. This can include physical coercion, such as torture or abuse, or psychological pressure, such as threats, deception, or intimidation. When an individual is subjected to this kind of treatment, they may feel that confessing to a crime is the only way to end the abuse or to protect themselves or their loved ones.

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Understanding What Type of Damages May Be Available in a Personal Injury Case

 Posted on April 14, 2023 in Personal Injury

IL personal injury lawyerPersonal injury cases can be complicated and emotional, and it is important to understand the types of damages that may be available. Damages are the monetary compensation awarded to the plaintiff in a personal injury case for the harm they have suffered. Therefore, if you have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to understand what damages may be relevant to you and your case. Remember, an experienced personal injury attorney can be highly beneficial during this time, as they can explain your legal options while ensuring your rights stay protected.

Types of Damages That May Be Relevant to Your Case

  • Economic damages – Economic damages are the monetary losses that result from the injury. Economic damages can include medical expenses, loss of income, and property damage.
  • Non-economic damages – Non-economic damages are intangible losses that result from the injury. These damages are meant to compensate the plaintiff for any emotional or psychological harm they have suffered as a result of the injury. Non-economic damages can include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

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Pros and Cons of Guilty, Not Guilty, and No Contest Pleas in Criminal Cases

 Posted on April 07, 2023 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerIn criminal cases, a defendant must enter a plea to the charges brought against them. The plea entered is a crucial step in the legal process and can significantly impact the case outcome. Today, we will discuss three different types of pleas available in criminal cases and the pros and cons of each. If you are facing criminal charges, you must work with a criminal defense attorney to understand your rights and which plea makes the most sense for your current situation.

Guilty Plea

This plea means the defendant admits to the criminal charges and accepts responsibility for their actions. By pleading guilty, the defendant waives their right to a trial and agrees to be sentenced by a judge. Sometimes, a defendant may plead guilty as part of a plea bargain. This is when the prosecution agrees to reduce the charges or recommend a more lenient sentence in exchange for the defendant’s admission of guilt.

The pros of a guilty plea are as follows:

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Understanding Why the Insurance Company Does Not Want You to Retain Legal Counsel for Your Accident

 Posted on March 27, 2023 in Personal Injury

Will County Car Accident Injury LawyerIf you have been involved in an accident or have suffered an injury, it is essential to understand that; chances are, the insurance company would prefer you not hire an attorney. Insurance companies may try to convince you that you do not need one or that an attorney will only complicate matters. However, the truth is that hiring a lawyer can help you protect your legal rights and maximize compensation. Today, we will discuss why the insurance company would prefer you not employ legal counsel. Remember, if you have been in an accident or have been injured, hiring a personal injury attorney is an essential first step in ensuring your rights remain protected, respected, and advocated for. 

Reasons Why the Insurance Company Wishes You Do Not Lawyer Up

There are many reasons why the insurance company hopes you do not lawyer up after your accident or injury, including:

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Making One of These Mistakes Can Significantly Hurt the Chance That Your Personal Injury Claim Will Be Successful  

 Posted on March 16, 2023 in Personal Injury

Will County Personal Injury LawyerSustaining a personal injury can be a traumatizing experience with significant financial and emotional implications. Personal injury claims are usually filed to recover various types of damages, such as medical costs, loss of earnings, pain and suffering, and other related expenses. However, costly mistakes can jeopardize the chance your personal injury claim will be successful. Today, we are going to discuss what some of those mistakes are and how to avoid making them. 

If you have experienced a personal injury, contact a knowledgeable attorney to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. 

Mistakes to Avoid Making Regarding Your Personal Injury Claim

Having your personal injury claim denied can be a terrible setback, especially since you are already dealing with an injury. To help ensure your claim is accepted, avoid making these mistakes:

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Red Flags to Be Aware of When Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

 Posted on March 10, 2023 in Personal Injury

Will County Personal Injury LawyerWhen you are injured in an accident, hiring a personal injury attorney can help you pursue the compensation you may be entitled to. However, not all personal injury attorneys are created equal. With so many personal injury lawyers to choose from, there are many red flags that you need to be aware of when deciding who you should hire. Today, we will discuss what some of these red flags are. If you are ever injured in an accident, do not hesitate to contact an experienced personal injury attorney who will help guide you through the legal process while ensuring your rights are respected and advocated for. 

What to Look Out for When Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

Some red flags to be aware of include the following:

  • Lack of experience – Personal injury law is a complex and specialized area of law. Therefore, it is essential to choose an attorney who has experience handling cases similar to yours. An attorney lacking personal injury law experience may not be able to represent you effectively.

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What Does Workers’ Compensation Not Cover?

 Posted on March 02, 2023 in Workers' Compensation

Will County Personal Injury LawyerAs you are likely aware, workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are hurt or become sick because of their job. However, there are certain situations and conditions that workers’ compensation does not cover. Today, we will discuss when workers may not be eligible for this type of compensation. If you have been injured or fallen ill due to your job and have questions regarding workers’ compensation, consider contacting a workers’ compensation attorney who will work with you to understand your legal options.

What Situations and Conditions Must Exist that Make an Employee Ineligible for Workers’ Compensation? 

There are various situations where workers’ compensation will not cover an injury. Those situations involve the following:

  • Intentional self-injury – Workers’ compensation does not cover intentional self-injury. Employees who injure themselves on purpose are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. 

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What to Look for When Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

 Posted on February 28, 2023 in Personal Injury

Will County personal injury lawyerYou may have noticed while watching TV or listening to the radio that a great deal of money is spent on legal advertising, and personal injury advertising in particular. As a result, with more options than ever, you may be wondering what you should look for when hiring an attorney to represent you in your personal injury case. A knowledgeable personal injury lawyer can help you seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. However, not all personal injury lawyers are created equal. 

If you have been involved in an accident and need assistance pursuing possible compensation, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your options, and they can provide you with representation when making insurance claims or filing a lawsuit. Here is how you can determine whether a particular attorney is right for you:

What to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer

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How to Avoid a Costly DUI Conviction

 Posted on February 17, 2023 in DUI

Will County DUI defense lawyerGetting charged and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) can have wide-ranging and adverse effects on someone’s life. Often, these effects can have long-lasting consequences for the person’s personal and professional life. Sometimes, when someone is charged with DUI, they are under the impression that all hope is lost and that a conviction is practically inevitable. However, you may be pleased to know this is not always the case. 

No matter what your preconceived notions are, DUI charges can be beaten in some cases. Today, we will discuss the most important considerations for individuals who have been charged with DUI and are looking to avoid a conviction. The first step in fighting a DUI charge is hiring an experienced attorney. Your attorney will work to ensure that all relevant strategies are implemented so that you can have a fair chance at beating the charges and moving on with your life. 

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How to Defend Against a Domestic Violence Charge

 Posted on February 09, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Joliet domestic violence defense lawyerCriminal charges related to domestic violence fit under the umbrella of crimes where once someone is charged, the public and community often consider the person guilty of what they are charged with before a fair trial has been conducted and evidence has been presented. As a result, hiring an experienced domestic violence attorney can make a positive difference for the defendant by advocating for them and their rights as they work to acquit themselves of the charges against them.  

Domestic violence charges are aggressively prosecuted. The consequences of a conviction can be extremely damaging, both personally and professionally. However, those charged with domestic violence have options at their disposal to allow themselves to be acquitted. Today, we will talk about how someone charged with domestic violence can overcome the serious charges brought against them. 

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