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Can Motorcycle Injuries Result in High-Dollar Settlements?

 Posted on September 27,2023 in Personal Injury

Joliet Injury LawyerWhile riding a motorcycle can be a fun activity for many, accidents remain an all too common reality for so many motorcycle riders. Sadly, because of the lack of protection provided by motorcycles, injuries involving these machines can be devastating and even result in death. Since motorcycle accidents so often feature catastrophic injuries or death, settlements involving motorcycle injuries can be especially high. While there is no guarantee when it comes to pursuing compensation, you will not know how much compensation may be obtained until you move forward with an injury claim. Contact a lawyer to begin this consequential process. 

Injuries Involved in Motorcycle Injury Claims

Motorcycle accidents more frequently result in severe injuries than other types of accidents. The lack of structural protection and the vulnerability of motorcyclists on the road makes them more susceptible to serious injuries. Serious and catastrophic injuries may involve:

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Is Child Endangerment a Criminal Offense in Illinois?

 Posted on September 19,2023 in Criminal Defense

Joliet Criminal LawyerProtecting the well-being of children is of utmost importance. In Illinois, child endangerment is considered a criminal offense. As such, those charged with child endangerment will be aggressively prosecuted, as law enforcement and society do not take cases of alleged child endangerment lightly. If you are facing criminal charges related to child endangerment, contact a lawyer right away to ensure the process of building a robust defense can begin immediately. 

Defining and Understanding Child Endangerment

According to Illinois law, child endangerment is defined as knowingly causing or permitting a child to be placed in circumstances that endanger their life and health. The Illinois criminal code outlines several acts that can constitute child endangerment, including physical abuse, neglect, exposure to illegal substances, and failure to provide necessary medical care or supervision. The law recognizes that child endangerment can result from intentional or reckless actions or omissions.

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Is it Possible for a Seat Belt to Malfunction During an Accident?

 Posted on September 14,2023 in Personal Injury

Joliet Car Crash LawyerSeat belts play a critical role in protecting occupants during car accidents, reducing the risk of severe injuries or fatalities. However, there have been instances where seat belts have malfunctioned during a crash, leading to serious injuries for those whose seat belts failed to work correctly. If you were injured in a car accident and believe a seat belt malfunction led to your injury, contact a lawyer to ensure your rights are protected as you seek compensation related to your injury. Do not wait to contact a lawyer and file your claim, as Illinois has a strict two-year statute of limitations in such cases. 

Seat Belt Design and Manufacturing Defects

While seat belts are designed to withstand the forces of a collision, like any other mechanical device, they are not immune to defects. Manufacturing flaws can compromise the effectiveness of a seat belt during an accident. These defects may include faulty latches and more. A defect in the seat belt’s design or manufacturing process could result in the seat belt failing to properly restrain the passenger during a crash.

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What is Financial Exploitation in Nursing Home Abuse Cases?

 Posted on September 07,2023 in Personal Injury

Orland Park, IL nursing home abuse lawyerFinancial exploitation is a distressing form of nursing home abuse that often accompanies other types of mistreatment in nursing homes. It occurs when an elderly individual’s funds or assets are improperly used or stolen through manipulation, coercion, or theft. If you believe a loved one is experiencing financial exploitation at a nursing home facility, contact a lawyer right away to ensure your loved one’s rights can be protected. 

In the context of nursing home abuse, financial exploitation refers to the illegal exploitation of residents’ financial resources, which can include bank accounts, credit cards, property, or valuables. The involvement of a personal injury attorney can be instrumental in navigating the legal complexities involved in such cases.

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The Most Serious DUI Charges in Illinois 

 Posted on August 30,2023 in Criminal Defense

Joliet Criminal LawyerA simple DUI is bad enough. Even a first-time DUI that does not involve any aggravating circumstances like bodily injury or carrying a child passenger can result in jail time. In most cases, a simple DUI is a misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are generally punishable by up to a year in jail. If this is not your first DUI, you are more likely to face harsh sentencing as courts are less forgiving of repeat mistakes. A felony DUI is far more serious. Some forms of felony DUI can lead to years of time in prison, and all are taken very seriously in Illinois. If you are facing a felony DUI, it is very important that you take the situation seriously and focus on your defense. Your freedom is in jeopardy and you could face a number of other legal and societal consequences if you are convicted. An attorney may be able to work towards reducing the seriousness of the charges in plea bargaining or may be able to identify another strong defense strategy. 

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Understanding Fault and Liability Laws in Illinois Auto Accident Cases

 Posted on August 18,2023 in Personal Injury

Joliet Car Accident LawyersIllinois follows traditional tort liability laws and the fault-based model when assessing negligence and responsibility in multi-vehicle car, truck, motorcycle, and other motor vehicle accidents. Determining liability is complex but critical for injury claims. This blog post will go over what you should know about how Illinois handles fault and liability.

Illinois Uses a "Fault" Liability System

Illinois operates under a "fault"-based auto liability legal system when appraising responsibility for damages and injuries stemming from traffic collisions. This means the driver who was at fault and caused the accident, either fully or partially, can be held liable for monetary damages to injured parties through an auto insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. This differs from "no-fault" auto insurance states where drivers seek damages from their own insurer.

Negligence Is Determined By Assessing Actions

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Factors That Determine Accident Compensation Payouts

 Posted on August 16,2023 in Personal Injury

Joliet Car Crash AttorneyIf you sustain injuries in an accident caused by another person in Illinois, you may be eligible for compensation to cover your damages. The amount of compensation you can seek depends on various crucial factors. Gaining a clear understanding of these factors can assist you in assessing the potential of your claim.

Type and Severity of Injuries

The most crucial factor is the type and severity of your injuries from the accident. More serious injuries that result in ongoing medical treatment, disability, lost wages, or reduced quality of life typically merit larger payouts. Thoroughly documenting your injuries and having medical experts fully evaluate impairment levels is crucial. The defense will seek to minimize the injury severity.

Insurance Coverage Limits

Compensation is limited to the amount of applicable insurance coverage. This is why carrying adequate underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage is so important. The at-fault party’s policy limit will cap payouts even if your damages exceed this limit. Determining all available policies and limits early in your claim is beneficial.

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What to do if Your Children Are Involved in a Car Accident

 Posted on August 09,2023 in Personal Injury

Joliet Car Accident Injury AttorneyMany people are afraid of getting into a car accident. Many parents are more afraid of their children being in an accident than themselves. If your children were in the car with you when you were hit by a careless driver, their needs are likely your top priority, even if you were also hurt. Just as you have certain rights related to compensation, your children do as well. Children tend to spend more time on the roads during the school year as they are transported between school, extracurricular activities, and home every day. The time just before school and just after school can be dangerous merely due to the high level of traffic. Mornings in particular may pose a higher risk of accidents, as parents are often both tired and in a hurry during morning drop-off. If you are involved in a car accident with your children, it is important to speak to an attorney promptly. You will likely need to be the one to take legal action on their behalf. 

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What to Do if You Were Arrested for Domestic Violence After Your Partner Initiated the Altercation

 Posted on July 31,2023 in Criminal Defense

Joliet Domestic Violence Defense AttorneyBeing arrested for domestic violence after a physical altercation with your spouse can be a highly distressing and complicated situation. In cases involving self-defense, it is crucial to approach the situation strategically. Today, we will provide guidance on what steps to take if you have been arrested for domestic violence. In cases involving criminal charges, you will want to strongly consider hiring a criminal defense lawyer to ensure you can fight the charges with the goal of avoiding a conviction. 

Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent

Resist the urge to provide statements or explanations to law enforcement officers until you have sought legal advice. Exercise your right to remain silent, as anything you say during this time can potentially be used against you. It is crucial to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to navigate the legal complexities in your case. Moreover, maintain a calm and composed demeanor throughout the arrest process. Emotional reactions to being taken into custody may inadvertently work against you when interacting with law enforcement officers. It is important to remember that your actions and behavior from this point forward can significantly impact the outcome of your case. 

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Why You Must Report "Minor" Injuries in the Workplace

 Posted on July 20,2023 in Workers' Compensation

Joliet Workers Comp LawyerIn the workplace, there is no such thing as an injury too minor to report. While workers may feel pressured to dismiss small cuts and other injuries not seen as serious enough to report, failing to report an injury when it happens can make it much harder to file a claim if the injury turns out to be less minor than you initially believed. Some injuries may initially look and feel like they are not serious only to later become a major medical issue. A small issue that turns serious may mean that you will need Workers’ Compensation to help you pay for treatment and compensate you for any time you must take off. People working in trades like construction or factory labor may feel pressure to be “tough” and disregard small injuries that are seen as a normal part of the job. However, reporting your injury as soon as it happens is the better course of action, as it preserves your claim should you need to file one. 

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