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McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC

What Is Overexertion and Bodily Reaction in a Work-Related Injury?

 Posted on March 17, 2020 in Workers' Compensation

Joliet workers compensation lawyersFollowing an injury at work, you may find yourself worrying about the time—and wages—lost at work, on top of the physical effects you will have to deal with. Even small injuries on the job can turn your whole life upside down, making simple daily tasks appear extraordinary.

Accidental injury can occur at any time, to even the most diligent workers, and the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission recorded nearly 38,000 injuries between 2015 and 2016. Topping the list was the category “Overexertion and bodily reaction,” representing an astonishing 40 percent of all recorded injuries. However, it might not always be readily apparent what types of injuries fall into this category of overexertion and bodily reaction. Below is an explanation of this type of workplace injury and how it applies to seeking workers’ compensation benefits.  

Does My Injury Fall into This Category?

The name “Overexertion and bodily reaction” is not really descriptive enough for a category which applies to more than one third of injured workers and might leave you confused after your workplace injury.

So, what exactly is an injury of overexertion and bodily reaction, and how do you know if this applies to you? As it turns out, the list of injuries and illnesses classified as overexertion and bodily reaction is extensive. The National Safety Council (NSC) considers numerous activities to cause overexertion and bodily reaction, but all you really need to do is ask yourself these six questions:

  1. Do you find your ability to perform your job has been reduced—or even eliminated—by the injury you received at work?
  2. Have you had to take any time off from work due to your injury, to recover or rest?
  3. Was your injury the result of a sudden or intense form of physical activity, such as moving, throwing, or otherwise handling something that was too heavy?
  4. Was your injury the result of a repetitive action, such as pain caused from working on a factory line, strain on the wrist from using a computer all day, or the repetitive use of tools, knives, or even a musical instrument?
  5. Did you injure yourself while walking or running, without falling?
  6. Did you perform any of the following actions on the clock before your injury: bending over, crawling, reaching for something, twisting your body, climbing up/down, or kneeling?

It is important to consult an attorney experienced with a workers’ compensation claim if you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, as you may have a legitimate claim. Keep in mind this list only applies to the most common injuries caused by overexertion and bodily reaction. You may still qualify for compensation for the injury you received while working, even if you answered “no” to every question on the list.

Contact a Will County Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you are unsure whether you have a valid workers’ compensation claim, the experienced law firm of McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC can help you explore your options. Our skilled Joliet workplace injury attorneys will guide you through the process so you can focus on getting better. To schedule your free consultation, call us today at 815-727-0100.





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