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McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC

Does Crime Increase on Halloween?

 Posted on October 27, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Will County criminal defense attorneyHalloween can be an incredibly fun holiday. Parties are happening everywhere, filled with adults and children alike in costumes they have picked out or made themselves. Wearing a costume can allow a person to assume a sort of alter-ego for the evening. It can be said that the holiday itself invites trouble. Unfortunately, some individuals take the fun too far and find themselves in jail. It is generally true that certain crimes become more common than usual in the time period surrounding Halloween. Property crimes and drunk driving tend to spike during this time period.

It is easy for people celebrating the holiday to be peer-pressured or goaded into doing something that is against the law, especially where alcohol and other substances are involved. If you are among the crowd arrested this Halloween, it is important that you take the situation very seriously. Criminal charges do not go away when the Halloween season ends, and a record could follow you for the rest of your life. 

Crimes Commonly Committed Around Halloween

If you plan to go out and celebrate this Halloween, it is wise to be cautious about who you spend time with and what you get involved with. A spur-of-the-moment decision could leave you with a criminal record that will far, far outlast the fun of causing mischief. Common crimes people are charged with around Halloween include: 

  • Theft - Theft is one of the most common offenses people are arrested for during the Halloween season. Often, this theft is from private homes and may involve the taking of Halloween decorations. It may also be tempting for people - particularly youths - to shoplift pricey costume items and candy. 
  • Vandalism - Vandalism on Halloween night may be a classic part of life in America, but that does not mean you will not get in trouble for it. Vandalism charges are generally minor misdemeanors but may be more serious depending on the property destroyed or defaced and its value. 
  • Drunk driving - Drunk driving is one of the most common crimes committed around Halloween - and other major holidays. Any time there is an occasion for people to go out and celebrate, there is an increased likelihood that some will attempt to drive themselves home after drinking. 

If you find yourself facing charges this Halloween, it is important to respond quickly and start by finding a qualified attorney. 

Contact a Will County Criminal Defense Lawyer

McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC is skilled in defending those who have been accused of a crime. Our experienced Joliet criminal defense attorneys will strive to have your charges reduced or dismissed where possible. Call 815-727-0100 for a free consultation. 




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