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McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC

Common Criminal Offenses Committed by Students on Spring Break

 Posted on March 26,2021 in Criminal Defense

Joliet criminal defense attorneySpringtime marks the start of warmer weather and sunshine in many parts of the country. It also means spring break for students and time off of school. Considered a well-deserved reprieve from lectures, midterms, and homework, some students may go home to see their family and friends. College students also often make plans to travel to warmer destinations or even big cities like Chicago for a week of fun. While most young adults had to put off their spring trips last year due to COVID-19 lockdowns, many are looking forward to letting loose on spring break this year. However, there are many actions that can result in criminal charges if they are not careful.  

Actions that Can Lead to Trouble

Without parental supervision or school administrators around, it is not uncommon for college students to party while on spring break, which may include dancing, drinking, and even doing drugs. However, even those 21 and over can do things that are illegal. Unfortunately, this illicit behavior may lead to unintentionally injuring themselves or harming others. For example, driving a car, motorcycle, or electric scooter after consuming too much alcohol can cause an accident with serious to life-threatening injuries. 

Controlled substances hinder a person’s ability to think clearly and make sound decisions even when not operating a vehicle. Being impaired can cause someone to be uninhibited and act in ways they normally would not when sober. What may seem like a harmless act of taking something small off a store shelf or from another person’s bag may lead to theft charges. Exposing their private parts or making lewd comments in public can all lead to an arrest. Forcing another individual to do something sexual without their consent is also illegal. 

A few of the most common criminal offenses committed by young adults during spring break include:

  • Alcohol use or possession as a minor

  • Driving under the influence (DUI)

  • Theft (shoplifting)

  • Property crimes (vandalism)

  • Indecent exposure

  • Disorderly conduct (disturbing the peace)

  • Sexual assault

The Illinois penalties for the above crimes vary depending on the circumstances, such as the ages of the defendant and alleged victim, value of the property damaged or stolen, and more. The punishments can range from loss of driving privileges to costly fines, community service, or lengthy jail sentences. In addition, crimes that are sexual in nature may end up in a student being put on the National Sex Offender Registry. Regardless of the crime, a conviction can lead to numerous problems in the future, such as obtaining a job after graduation or securing loans for a home.  

Contact a Will County Criminal Defense Attorney 

Being charged with a crime is never a good thing, and in some cases, it can negatively impact your future and result in a stain on your record. If you or your minor child is facing criminal charges in Illinois, it is imperative that you seek skilled legal counsel to advocate on your behalf. At McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC, our diligent Joliet criminal defense attorneys will ensure your rights or those of your child are protected during criminal proceedings. To set up a free, confidential consultation, call us today at 815-727-0100.







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