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The Staggering Costs of Truck Accidents

 Posted on November 17, 2022 in Car Accidents

Will County, IL truck crash lawyerA crash involving two tractor-trailers last month closed a portion of southbound Interstate 55 (I-55) near the Interstate 80 (I-80) interchange in Will County near Joliet. Closures were expected to last at least three hours because of the truck accident.

The crash led to soybeans and water bottles covering all lanes of I-55, and the accident is a good reminder of the chaotic scene that can unfold following truck accidents. Major commercial trucks are usually hauling a variety of goods, and collisions can lead to various items being strewn across roadways.

Possible Damages in a Truck Accident Case

When it comes to most commercial truck accident cases, the people who suffer injuries in wrecks are right to wonder what kind of damages they may be entitled to. In most cases that go to trial, a jury award is for compensatory damages that can include both economic damages and noneconomic damages.

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Avoid A Repeat DUI Conviction This Holiday Season

 Posted on November 10, 2022 in DUI

Will County, IL repeat DUI defense attorneyA 53-year-old Joliet man landed in the Will County Jail after Joliet police said he was pulled over for improper lane usage. The man had a revoked driver’s license for previous DUI arrests. When you are facing possible repeat DUI charges in Illinois, you absolutely must invest in retaining legal counsel as soon as possible.

Prosecutors handling repeat DUI cases are seeking convictions and want to ensure that alleged offenders will be punished accordingly. You will need proven legal help in defending yourself against what are, in many cases, felony charges.

Repeat DUI Penalties in Illinois

The good news is that, so long as a case does not involve any aggravating factors, first and second DUI convictions in Illinois are usually Class A misdemeanors punishable by fines of up to $2,500 and/or up to one year in jail. The problem becomes that a third or fourth DUI offense is a Class 2 felony, a fifth offense is a Class 1 felony, and a sixth or subsequent offense is a Class X felony.

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Dealing with Dog Bites in Will County

 Posted on November 03, 2022 in Personal Injury

Will County dog bite lawyerWill County is very friendly towards dogs, and the Forest Preserve District of Will County has six dog parks in the county. As much fun as people can have with their dogs, there are cases in which dogs can defy expectations, act aggressively, and bite innocent people.

Dog bites can be incredibly frightening for people to deal with, and it can be very confusing for victims to know how to recover financial compensation for their medical bills and other costs stemming from dog bites. Even if it is difficult, it is important to take certain steps to protect your legal rights following any dog bite.

Proper Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

When you are bitten by a dog, you will need to first focus on your own medical care. Do not hesitate to visit a hospital so you can be confident that you are getting any wound properly treated. In general, try to wash your wound, slow the bleeding with a clean cloth, wrap the wound, and be mindful of signs of infection. 

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Does Crime Increase on Halloween?

 Posted on October 27, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Will County criminal defense attorneyHalloween can be an incredibly fun holiday. Parties are happening everywhere, filled with adults and children alike in costumes they have picked out or made themselves. Wearing a costume can allow a person to assume a sort of alter-ego for the evening. It can be said that the holiday itself invites trouble. Unfortunately, some individuals take the fun too far and find themselves in jail. It is generally true that certain crimes become more common than usual in the time period surrounding Halloween. Property crimes and drunk driving tend to spike during this time period.

It is easy for people celebrating the holiday to be peer-pressured or goaded into doing something that is against the law, especially where alcohol and other substances are involved. If you are among the crowd arrested this Halloween, it is important that you take the situation very seriously. Criminal charges do not go away when the Halloween season ends, and a record could follow you for the rest of your life. 

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Can I Get Arrested for Having Legal Cannabis in My Car?

 Posted on October 19, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Joliet drugged driving defense lawyerAdult residents of Illinois are now permitted to possess and use cannabis for medical or recreational purposes. THC products are generally regulated similarly to the manner in which alcohol is regulated. These regulations control how people in Illinois can handle and use cannabis. A few important rules include those governing how cannabis may be transported in a vehicle. Most Illinois residents know that they cannot drive with an open beer or glass of wine in their cupholders, as allowing people to do so would make it very easy for drivers to become intoxicated while behind the wheel. 

Similar open-container rules apply to cannabis. Even if you are not actively under its influence, you could be charged with a misdemeanor drug offense for having open and accessible containers of THC products in your vehicle. You can also be charged with a DUI for driving after using cannabis based on the concentration of THC in your body. If you are charged for possessing cannabis in a vehicle or driving under the influence of cannabis, it is important to secure legal representation as soon as possible. 

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How Improper Maintenance Causes Car Accidents in Will County

 Posted on October 12, 2022 in Car Accidents

Will County personal injury attorneyMaintaining a vehicle is an important duty of drivers who own their cars. When a vehicle is properly maintained, it is far less likely to experience a critical malfunction in the course of operating it. When a vehicle is improperly maintained, it is far more likely that a mechanical or parts failure will occur in the course of operation. Vehicle malfunctions can cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle, increasing the odds of a collision exponentially.

While accidents stemming from a parts malfunction are sometimes the responsibility of the failed part’s manufacturer, or even the mechanic who installed the part, it is also quite common for the fault to lie with the driver and owner. Drivers often have some form of warning that a breakdown is imminent - rarely do these accidents occur entirely unexpectedly. If you have been injured in a car accident involving a vehicle parts malfunction, you may be entitled to compensation. An attorney can help you decide how best to proceed with a claim. 

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Top 5 Causes of Rollover Accidents

 Posted on October 04, 2022 in Car Accidents

Will County personal injury lawyerRollover accidents are a severe form of traffic accident in which at least one vehicle is flipped upside down or sent rolling. Inversion is not a normal result of a motor vehicle accident. Rolling over occurs only as a result of collisions involving extreme forces. As the roof of most personal automobiles offers little protective material, occupants of flipped vehicles commonly sustain life-altering injuries such as spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. Wrongful death lawsuits brought by a victim’s surviving close family members are often born out of these terrible wrecks.

If you have been injured in a rollover car accident caused by another driver, it is very likely that the at-fault driver was negligent, if not reckless, in causing your injuries. You may be entitled to recover compensation for your current and future medical expenses, lost wages and lost future income, pain and suffering, and more. It would be wise to consult an attorney when dealing with a claim of this magnitude. 

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What to Do When the Police Arrive With a Search Warrant

 Posted on September 29, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Joliet criminal defense lawyerHearing a knock on the door when you were not expecting anyone can be anything from annoying to alarming. When the knock is aggressive and followed by a call of, “Police! Search Warrant!” it is normal to feel afraid. You may or may not know why the police are interested in searching your home, but the search will occur either way. Having your home searched can be terrifying, or even deadly in some cases. It is important to respond correctly when the police arrive with a warrant to search your living space. Common errors made by a suspect during a search could impact any criminal prosecution that may result from the search.

It is difficult to retain composure during this frequently intimidating process. You will need to maintain a cooperative demeanor - even if you are arrested - without inadvertently making an incriminating admission. As soon as possible, you must then contact a criminal defense attorney. 

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3 Ways to Defeat a Domestic Violence Charge

 Posted on September 23, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Joliet criminal defense attorney Domestic violence is one of the most serious misdemeanor criminal offenses. As does society, courts look down on those who assault and batter a current or past romantic partner, a family member, or a household member. There are stereotypes attached to a domestic violence conviction that may close off educational or career opportunities. You may suffer severe collateral consequences far beyond any judicial sentencing imposed.

Those who are convicted of offenses related to domestic violence may be incarcerated for up to a year - or more, if domestic violence is charged as a felony - in addition to being fined and placed under the close supervision of a probation officer. The consequences can be severe and life-altering considering the circumstances under which many are arrested. Police officers may respond to a chaotic scene and errantly arrest someone who was not the aggressor. If you are facing domestic violence charges, the importance of reaching out to a qualified attorney as soon as possible cannot be understated. 

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Top 4 Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents in Will County

 Posted on September 15, 2022 in Personal Injury

Joliet truck crash injury lawyerIf you have been involved in a commercial truck accident, you know just how bad these crashes can be. Semi-trucks are enormous vehicles capable of causing extreme destruction in an instant. The responsibility truck drivers have to drive safely is extremely important. Truck driving is a job that requires careful attention at all times, because a single mistake can cause serious harm to others or even lead to fatalities.

Often, commercial truck accidents because a driver has either broken a law that was meant to prevent trucking accidents or driven in a careless manner. On other occasions, it was the trucking company that is to blame for failing to maintain its fleet in a safe condition. One of the things your attorney will need to do is try to get to the bottom of what caused your accident through careful investigation. 

Most Common Reasons for Truck Crashes

There are a few very common mistakes drivers and trucking agencies make that put everyone on the roads in danger. These common mistakes include: 

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